For Clients
M.A.P strongly believes in involving communities in the discourse as they are best placed to put forth the concerns and issues they face. As part of its legal literacy campaign, M.A.P regularly engages with various displaced populations through community meetings and focus group discussions and has developed resource materials in multiple languages to broaden its information dissemination. Despite Covid-19 affecting our capacity to have in-person meetings with the community, we have remained in constant touch with community leaders and other members and, all our materials are developed after due deliberation and multiple consultations with all stakeholders involved including the target population.
SGBV Awareness Pamphlets
The ratio of “cases of gender based violence reported” to the “total no. of cases of gender based violence” is especially low in the target population, in part, due to a fear of approaching authorities but more so, because most girls and women aren’t aware of their legal rights in the country and of the justice redressal mechanisms available to them. In this background, we developed a booklet in 2019, explaining various types of gender based violence and the laws under which the perpetrators of such violence can be penalized; as well as providing numbers of organizations that can provide assistance to survivors of such crimes. The booklet is available in 8 languages!
Download: Hindi | Dari | Mizo | French | Hakha | Burmese | Somali | Tibetan
Know Your Rights Booklet
The refugee population in India face various hurdles in India ranging from accessing basic rights guaranteed to them under the Constitution of India to other more complex issues. Their situation is further aggravated due to their vulnerable situation combined with the lack of familiarity with various rules, regulations and laws that they can seek redress under. In 2020, M.A.P developed a comprehensive booklet for the community to help create awareness about the various procedures and rights available to them and what protection mechanisms they can access to ensure that they do not face exploitation of any kind. The booklet is available in 3 languages and our office can be contacted to access a more detailed version of the same!
Legal Representation Pamphlets
Financial Literacy Pamphlets
One of the biggest hurdles faced by the target population in India is in accessing various financial services. This is due to the lack of proper documentation available with them as well as a lack of clarity regarding the policies of various financial institutions, which deters the community from even trying to approach them. Starting in 2018, M.A.P began interacting with various communities to understand their needs and with financial institutions to gauge if these needs could be met. Based on this, we developed pamphlets in 3 languages to create financial literacy amongst the population regarding the services they can access as well as explaining how best they could do so.
Covid-19 Pamphlets
In the aftermath of the pandemic, it was crucial to disseminate information regarding Covid-19 amongst the community, who otherwise do not have access to readily available information. M.A.P designed pamphlets in 5 languages to create awareness on the spread of the virus and what measures could be taken by people to mitigate the risk.
Download: Burmese | Dari | French | Hakha | Hindi | Mizo | Pashto | Somali